Training with Harmony 4 Dogs is informed by the lived wisdom and natural authority of the human, and as dogs offer us an opportunity in learning how to live with the consistency of this authority, training is for all of us.


Available in person in the Northern Rivers NSW and Gold Coast QLD, Australia.

Working from the ground up to support a harmonious household that includes the dog.


The Fundamentails of Caring for Your Dog

If you have a dog that has problems, before you get too despondent and go into trying to fix it, step back and take a look at the whole situation.
Scheduled Classes

The Joy of Obedience Classes

The Joy of Obedience classes are an enjoyable and important activity for both dog and human, supporting the dog to master being a dog while also supporting the human to bring their natural authority and wisdom from the body, not the head.
For the Love of Dogs
  • Dog behaviour is not always about problems and these audios celebrate the joy of dogs shared by their owners. Enjoy these dog bytes!
  • Fiona and her husband Michael live with Oscar and Toby, two cavoodles who have presented small challenges along the way for her. Fiona speaks candidly about the household dynamics.

Dog behaviour is not always about problems and these audios celebrate the joy of dogs shared by their owners.

As humans we are imperfect. So are Dogs.
