There is a 21st century plague of people feeling entitled to ‘advise’ everyone else what to do in their everyday lives and this happens often in the dog world. People disgruntled with their own lot can be intent on letting off steam at you and your dog/s as you walk past or friends who come to dinner suddenly become experts at what you should do to have a better behaved dog.
My question is – have they energetically read the dog? Do they understand why the dog is here in this household? Do they understand why this particular dog is with this particular family? Cause without that you have no foundation for the ‘knowledge’ you are about to impart.
When people ask about their dogs and what to do, the most important thing is that they feel settled with the purpose of having a dog and then from that they feel confirmed in how they are going about conducting the relationship. Sure, there are basics to follow but they aren’t rules. If I was to follow all the ‘rules’ with my dog, we wouldn’t have a relationship that supports her in her purpose of being here. My job is to care for her from the knowing that I am the dominant authority in the relationship – if I drop that we are both in trouble. If I enforce that we are both in trouble. And if I rigidly adhere to the same boundaries that I previously had success with when I had say, a kelpie, then the current dog I have, say a poodle, would be bereft.
Big item on notice here is that dogs understand harmony in a big way, so live in a way that allows them that harmony but doesn’t allow the dog to impose on your own harmonious way of living as a human.
We have everything within us that knows how to settle and live harmoniously within the cycles of the planet. And once you have tapped into this, you certainly don’t need to be told what to do with your dog as it will be so obvious and so easy!