If you have a dog that has problems, before you get too despondent and go into trying to fix it, step back and take a look at the whole situation.
Look not only at the dog but also at what is going on for you, what is going on in the home and in the environment of your dog. These vibrations are felt by the dog and in turn will be responded to, as all dogs are obedient to vibration. There is a settlement in harmony where everything has its rightful place, so for a dog, anything ‘out of place’ brings an unsettlement. This is not to be confused with everything ‘looking good and right’. Humans shooting for what we think is good and right can also have a vibration that is ‘out of place’ and will be unsettling for a dog.
The physical wellness of dogs is very much dependent on their vibrational wellness which is in turn very much dependent on our vibration. Harmony 4 Dogs’ sessions and classes therefore take into account all of this, working with building the foundational relationship based on the vibration of the human first. This is the same whether we are addressing physical ailments, training a dog, caring for a sick or dying dog or supporting our dogs’ behaviour.